The ONLY Permanent Hair Removal Method

People have sought ways to remove unwanted hair for cen- turies beyond count; abrasives for that purpose have been found in Egyptian tombs, and his- torical rumor has it that Cleo- patra herself, for all her beauty, fought superfluous hair. Until 1875 the only remedies avail- able were temporary. That year, Dr. Charles Michel, an ophthal- mologist, was working to relieve a patient suffering from an ingrown eyelash. His original method has been improved and modified a number of times, and today

today the electrologists use thermolysis, a shortwave, high frequency current, or radio frequency current.



The diagram shown here is the microscopic hair follicle, greatly magnified; examining it will help in understanding the process of electrolovsis.

FIG. 1

Layer of Skin

O Grand


Dermal Papa -

At the lower 1/3 of the follicle is the hair bulb and the hair cell, or the derma papilla. This is actually part of the skin, and controls the development and growth of the hair. Even if the hair is pulled out, the dermal papilla is still left, since it is part of the skin.

A very fine instrument
